出典: くみこみックス
All and I mean All Code Generators are fake. All They do is generate random numbers and/or letters. They always require you to download a program which is full of Viruses and keyloggers... Don't fall for these scams no matter how real they seem... and by the way please note that the following method to get free $10 $20 $50<a href="http://sonyplaystationnetwork-forfree.blogspot.com/">PSN Cards</a> will only work in canada, USA, UK japan, and Australia
Select your Country... Also remember to chech the "I have read and accept the terms of service box, you can read it if you like The way the website works is siple, All you have to do is fill out offers and the website gives you points is return "POINTS" are what you will use to get your free $10 $20 $50 Cards
to start doing offers, move your cursor over the "Get Points" tab at the top of the page and click "Active Offers" Now un-check all the boxes except the "FREE" ones
Now you will see a list of free offers Most offers will either want you to sign up on a website or fill out a survey or in some cases both When doing offers its best to use real information but it you dont want to, then use fake but (Realistic info) and when asked for a email address use the email address you created earlier.
Most offers will have a description under its name, telling you exactly what to do To start an offer simply click on its name....
I can't show you exactly how to do an offer since every offer is different but i do have. copy this link http://lnkgt.com/6UJ and paste to your browser for direct download FREE PSN CARD.
Once you start doing offers you should start to get points but they can take anywhere from instant to a day to load to your account so don't worry if you dont get points for a offer instantly as it takes time to verify that you did it Some offers for whatever reason just dont work, so if one gives you trouble just skip it...
Also on the main page, you will see a list of offers that other users have completed so try those in your country for easy points. Or you can always just view your current points Another way to get quick points is to do daily surveys which are surveys you can od every 24 hours
To get dialy surveys, move your cursor over the "Get Points" tab and click "Daily Survey" You can only do the daily surveys that are for your country and remember you can do them again every day Once you get 50 POINTS you can get your $50 PSN Cards.
If you live in CANADA, UK or Australia, you can Download directly for thit link http://lnkgt.com/6UJ the point but if will also work for <a href="http://sonyplaystationnetwork-forfree.blogspot.com/">PSN</a> Now!
to get USA Microsoft Points, Move your cursor over the "Reward" just click the download button to get a "Code Rewards" to find them ***Note that they are called $ 50 Playstation Network Card (PSN)***
the code will be emailed to you in 1-3 days And thats it's It!