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The steps in this article are designed to teach a user how to unlock iPod Touch units in the event they are unable to remember their access code. There are basically two methods that can be used to reset the code of one of these devices. Both methods require the computer that was used for initial synchronization with the Apple iTunes website.

Connect the item and computer primary computer via the USB cable that is provided from the manufacturer. After everything is connected, navigate open the iTunes website and allow the synchronization process to complete. With the synchronization complete unplug the cable and access should be granted.

If for some reason the process of connecting it to iTunes does not succeed in unlocking it, the only other option will be to reset it back to factory settings. Performing a factory reset should be the last resort as it will erase all settings, music, contacts and files on the unit. This process will perform the necessary updates required during the restore procedure.

It is highly recommended that a user perform a backup of all their information before beginning to perform a restore. To do this, connect with the computer that is used to synchronize with Factory iPhone Unlock and in the drop down menu select the backup option. When this process has completed, the restore can be started.

While connected open the Factory iPhone Unlock to access the reset process, this is done through the left pane of the site. Select devices in the menu and in the drop down window click on restore. As a safety precaution the website will ask the user to backup their files at this point, if they have not been backed up they should be at this time.

During this process it is very important that the device is not unplugged or any buttons are pressed as this will cause problems during the procedure. The procedure is performed in a couple stages, after the first stage is complete, the Apple logo will be displayed on the screen. When the logo appears, the item will be synchronized and the process will continue by applying any necessary updates and software.

When the site is done restoring the software and applying the updates, it is time to install the backed up files Factoryiphoneunlock. The user will click on the backed up file that was created earlier and select next when prompted. This process has been created in an attempt to teach people how to unlock iPod Touch units.
