
出典: くみこみックス

The doll is thought to be probably the most ancient children's toys still around. It's been an element of humankind since prehistoric times. In the earlier days the dolls depicted religious figures or, just like now, were a resource of joy for children where it kept them entertained and their imagination flowing.

minime usa - The initial doll was probably made out of primitive materials including clay, fur, corn husks and wood. Some dolls were made out of flat wood with painted features and got mock hair made from strings of clay or wooden beads. Dolls of the caliber happen to be located in Egyptian graves dating dating back to 2000 B.C. In addition to these wooden artifacts, pottery dolls are also discovered in Egyptian tombs owned by wealthy families. A choice of material was likely a symbol of the families status and may have been a cherished possession (although not particularly practical for a children's plaything).

Dolls are also seen in Greek and Roman children's graves. Girls of the time would dedicate their wooden dolls to goddesses once they looked at themselves as too "grown-up" for the kids. With the exception of the pottery dolls the majority of other discoveries found in tombs and graves of the time were of very simple creation, often created from materials including clay, rags, wood and bone.

Some unique dolls of ivory and wax seemed to be uncovered. These were getting closer to the best of "life-like" dolls. Both materials stood a closer resemblance for the human appearance. This eventually lead to the creation of dolls with moveable limbs and removable garments, dating back to 600 B.C.

3d face dolls - Following the era with the ancient dolls, Europe became a core area for doll creations. They were primarily made from wood. They're now extremely rare collectors items with there being under 30 primitive wooden stump dolls from 16th and 17th century England remaining today.

A replacement to wood was established inside the 1800's, along with the rise in industrialization as well as the need for mass-production, this alternative came at an ideal time. The mixture of pulped wood or paper was molded under pressure to create doll heads and bodies. Unusual ingredients including eggshells and ash were sometimes used being a sealer. Papier-mache, a form of this composition, was probably the most popular combinations.

minime usa - A couple of today's most widely used collectables are porcelain and rag dolls. The porcelain doll became popular at the beginning of the 19th century. Porcelain is a very delicate material and is also created by firing unique clays in a kiln in a temperature above 2372 Fahrenheit. Just a small selection of clays can endure such extreme temperatures making the porcelain alone a serious special material. The rag doll however has been around existence for years and years and was traditionally hand crafted by a mother on her behalf daughter. The types of materials usually made up of household scraps like the cornhusks and pulp with all the outside layer formed by cloth.
