
出典: くみこみックス

2012年4月24日 (火) 05:43; VidalHammers213 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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ne typical way for people to acquire business property is to procure a loan, also referred to as a mortgage. When they are going to be utilising the property for business functions, the loan will be a Vancouver Mortgages. These kind of loans may be used to obtain a structure where specialists will operate the business enterprise. One other choice is to get a house or apartment building that'll be leased to other people.

Some individuals could be able to get yourself a Mortgages without money down. This type of person generally professionals who will use the property to perform services because of their clients. Instead of a down payment, these professionals can offer the lender a secured item that'll be collateral for these completely loans. In such cases, the lenders are offering a secured loan that is less risky for them because they will be able to sell the asset offered as collateral if the borrower cannot make the payments on the loan.
