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2012年9月22日 (土) 12:07; GlennSmithson152 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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barking - When you have a puppy or even a dog, you need to be worried about your dog listening to your commands, and above all, you have to be worried about the way they communicate with people and other dogs. Dogs aren't born knowing the right and wrong method to act, and it is essential that teaching your dog is probably the first items you take into consideration when you bring a replacement in your home. You will be responsible for what your dog does, so it is for yourself as well.

training - Dog training doesn’t even have to be a lot of work, and again, it’s a matter of letting them know who's boss. This can be not only the method that you talk to them. It is also about your gestures and your words. You may issue a command you learned with training your dog, however, if they don’t believe you mean it, they won’t pay any attention. Dogs need your leadership in exactly the same your children need you to be strong plus charge. Everyone feels safer once they have a friend is taking care of business.

obedience - You don't need to have any classes or don't have to purchase any DVDs about proper dog training. It is simple to train your dog by visiting Pet Dog Video tutorial. Its a video blog with comments, online store with videos books dog training supplies.
