
出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月10日 (金) 21:19; EbbaMcgehee474 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle

After incorporating the information I compiled over 9 years of research, my nasal polyps were gone. My doctor was amazed, and confirmed that there was no sign of them! I was so relieved . . . A simple natural system had freed me from my nasal polyps forever. I had finally found a nasal polyps treatment that worked; my polyps were gone and I felt handsome once again! Three years later, my nasal polyps have never returned… I was curious if what worked for me would also work on others…and so I found a group on 19 men and women from online forums with recurring nasal polyps and sent them my program…and all reported the same astonishing results. All were cured of their nasal polyps within 4 days to 8 weeks of using my system.
Finally i had found a non surgical treatment of nasal polyps

Other non surgical treatment of nasal polyps

Cortisone or steroids - the polyp will shrink down temporarily and slow down polyp growth. Cortisone cannot be taken long term because of high risk of side effects.

Sinus Rinse or Nasal Lavage - Sinus rinses with warm water mixed with a small amount of salt can be very helpful to clear sinuses. This method can also be used as a preventive measure to discourage the polyps from growing back and should be used in combination with a nasal steroid.

Allergy desensitization injections- sometimes used in allergic patients with hay fever and polyps. While this often helps with hay fever and therefore reduces the fever's negative effects on the polyps, there is no guarantee that the injections help shrink the polyps directly.
