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2012年9月20日 (木) 13:33; WolfordMatthews197 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Digitizing Actors: Why you require a REEL

actor demo reel - We could all agree that the digital movement has completely changed the acting game. In fact, as an actor, you are far more frequently represented as an image over a screen than as the bodily self. Well, this can feel polarizing with a actors that want a far more tangible response while acting, but this in no way that you should shy away from it. In fact, if you aren't taking full benefit of the technology close at hand, you are far behind the curve. Precisely what does this mean at a very base level? YOU NEED A REEL!

Which are the tests you have to pass for a casting agent or even a director to pull you into a room? And i also assure you, these are basic necessary tests that EVERY actor must pass, because I have eight hours to determine as many of you while i can and that i have 1000s of you to definitely lose this list before I will start my auditions.

actor demo reel - The Look Test: Sorry to say, but when you simply don’t match my vision for the role, you’re out. Your better foot better be forward, though. You might you should be perfect for another role.

The Credits Test: Whilst not nearly as essential as the look test, I really do need to know what you’ve done up to now. For those who have great credits then you’re going to carry more importance here, you’re in. If you are fresh off of the bus, and you passed the look test then you’re probably a maybe.

The Performance Test: Ok, I’ve shaved off at least half, probably more. One eighth of the submissions are in, I have in regards to a third of all the submissions to go through. Time for you to review your chops. Will you have a reel? Or even, you’re probably out here. Maybes without footage tend to be more often absolutely nothing, pointless. You can’t produce a good bet without any familiarity with the topic. You do have a Reel. Great! Can it be high-quality or am I removed from your acting by a fuzzy, badly lit image? Are you currently featured enough that I can look at you act? Would you seem like your headshot? Is the performance there? Are you currently acting with intention?

acting reel - When you have an agent or maybe you are looking for representation. If you're getting auditions or if perhaps you're fresh from the bus. You cannot afford to not have a seize this day and age. The simple truth is that when you don’t have footage of yourself you are an even bigger risk to ring in compared to the five-hundred other submissions which do possess a reel. Reel-LA.com will be the number 1 reel company in La. They'll use the best standard equipment available including the Red EPIC-M digital cinema camera. They includes professional creative filmmakers specializing in anything from feature films to music videos. They've the gear as well as the skill-set to provide the footage you need to get that agent and book that audition.
