
出典: くみこみックス

2012年9月13日 (木) 15:18; MalcomFortney445 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Affordable Loyalty Programs - Jigwiz Loyalty is proud introducing, to the Central Florida area and beyond, a unique program to aid local businesses retain their client base and increase ROI.

As technology advances the same is true our new rewards program. Now consumers may use Your own personal Customized Mobile App to check on in and redeem their rewards. Our new Loyalty Solution Program also allows local businesses to track customer data, participation, together with demographics and send a texting straight to consumers, notifying them about new deals, specials and upcoming events.

custom loyalty progam - What sets us apart? - Customers will be incentivized for interaction trough Social networking Integration and earn rewards by way of a dedicated Share for Reward Feature within the App - a brand new as well as feature custom-built and unique for each business. Loyalty Rewards simply works, however when along with Direct Mail Advertising, Mobile, Web, Social and Messaging equals a revolutionary Solution available these days for many size Businesses.

You will find three major Avenues conducive into a Successful Loyalty Program: “Engaging Ave”, “Worth Ave” and “Simplicity Ave” and Jigwiz Loyalty is fully prepared and equipped to help you achieve and get to the final destination of Success and Prosperity.

We realize Loyalty. We support Loyalty. We promote Loyalty.

mobile loyalty reward - Jig wiz Loyalty operates like a Division of Best Community Values and will extend a particular Complementary Offer to the Existing Loyal Customers in Central Florida.
