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2012年9月12日 (水) 03:22; KarenaVillalba893 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Earth Day - April 22, 2008

You possibly have noticed Earth Day on your April

calendar and you could have wondered what, specifically, is


Earth Day came about following six years of work from

then Senator Gaylord Nelson, who, back in the 1960s,

had the foresight to look at the lengthy term impact of

pollution on the environment. He was instrumental in

acquiring his message out to school students, who took

this issue on with concern and enthusiasm for this

project. Earth Day became a National Awareness day on

January 20, 1970, with the date set for celebration as

April 22 of every year. In 2007, it is estimated that

a single billion people recognized Earth Day in some way.

Internationally, Earth Day is celebrated at diverse

times, in about 175 countries. In the northern

hemisphere, it is observed in the spring in the

southern hemisphere, Earth Day is observed in the


The objective of Earth Day was to raise awareness of

environmental concerns, promote education about the

situation, and to advocate for a healthful and sustainable

planet. earth dog .Several schools have taken Earth Day a step

additional to incorporate extended teaching of

environmental problems and observe Earth Week.

To uncover events in your location, or to get suggestions for

assisting you commemorate this unique day, go to

www.earthdaynetwork.com. Get involved in helping in

your community, whatever the wants could be. Each city

has a park, street or stream that demands cleaning up,

and it requires only a couple of volunteers to make a large

distinction. Take the time to discover about how you can

assist preserve this planet for future generations. They

will thank you for it!
