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2012年9月4日 (火) 12:56; PrimmNeu797 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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music - The 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games is three years away but projects are ahead of schedule.

Lord Coe, chairman with the London Organising Committee told BBC News they've met all 10 milestones the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) had looking for this stage of the preparations.

"We really are a tiny bit further before bang on target. Along with this being project on course nevertheless it will in reality deliver some extraordinary prizes," Coe added.

Iphone - Recently Lord Coe wrote about these developments in The Telegraph. "When I delivered our bid towards the International Olympic Committee in Singapore 4 years ago, a central section of our commitment would have been to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of regenerating neglected east London, and also to provide jobs, opportunities and an answer to generations to come. And we're doing that," he wrote.

UK jobs inside the capital are taking advantage of the developments and definately will keep doing so based on him.

"Our delivery partner, the Olympic Delivery Authority, has sought work worth a lot more than 3.5 billion from 935 companies, while we expect 75,000 business opportunities to have become available by 2012," he added. Even though recession might be known as the worst time ever for any country to host a pricey event such as the Olympics, there are lots of who think that it may be damaged whipped cream surviving it.

terry-brival - BBC News reports over a statement made by IOC president Jacques Rogge who justified his confidence in the country to host the wedding during this kind of turbulent stage.

"The Games have survived difficult times before. They have survived and thrived as a result of the things they mean to the people all over the world," he explained. "The Games remind us the transient difficulties of life can be overcome through hard work and determination."
