
出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月30日 (木) 16:42; MaryaBible988 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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What Are Hemorrhoids and How to Treat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are blood vessels (veins) within the anal canal. They become swollen inside which are known as internal hemorrhoids. You cannot really feel them but sometimes when they are irritated you will see blood around the toilet tissue when using a bowel movement. External hemorrhoids can be bleeding and you will feel them on the opening of the anus. It is not very comfortable at all. Some hemorrhoids can get right into a state of thrombosis by which some people have experienced to go to a physician to have the pressure released. You can also have both types of hemorrhoids simultaneously. Also, hemorrhoids will also be known as hemroids as well as piles.

Hemorrhoids can vary for every person and may be from having too much pressure within the pelvic area from sitting too long. Usually when straining to have a bowel movement this causes increased pressure and will also cause the vein within the tissue to swell and stretch. In a normal condition the tissue within the anus is what fills with blood which helps to control bowel motions. Although, sometimes it swells too much and causes internal hemorrhoids from irritation.


Also, it doesn't matter whether you have constipation or diarrhea they both can result in straining and this causes increased pressure on these veins within the anal canal. Overweight people can have a tendency to get hemorrhoids and pregnant women in the last Six months approximately of the pregnancy may also possess a hemorrhoid problem. During childbirth when she is straining to achieve the baby this could result in the hemorrhoids come out and may make the hemorrhoids worse.

It is advisable to go to a doctor to a minimum of know for sure if you have a hemorrhoid problem. The doctor will easily notice if it's a hemorrhoid problem or if there may be another reason you might have bleeding or pressure in the rectal area. This can be done with often a gloved hand examination where the doctor uses his finger for the exam. If there may be one other issue then the physician may use a sigmoidoscope as well as might want you to have a colonoscopy if there can be a far more serious problem. But, don't panic be sure that you get this checked out.

In treating hemorrhoids sometimes all the treatment you will need is by using an over-the-counter ointment for a short term period. Home treatments do work in many cases plus some don't. Something is to improve your water intake and you'll use stool softeners for those who have a constipation problem. A few of the foods to eat that do assist with putting more fiber in your body consists of fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. If you have a really severe hemorrhoid problem one treatment that the doctor may recommend may be to tie off the hemorrhoids with rubbers bands. You will find surgery treatments readily available for removing hemorrhoids if all other remedies don't cure your hemorrhoid problem.
