
出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月28日 (火) 06:34; HardinPenner111 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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If you are like me, you may have started projects before without a set plan or set of blueprints to help you along. I have done this many times. I have started many projects without anything on paper at all, and with my plan stuck in my head. The problem is that I have to keep referring and thinking about what I want to do next as I am building. I usually end up just fine, but I could have saved a lot of time and money if I had used my storage Shed Plans. That way I would have been able to follow the plan I had in front of me, and would have not wasted money on unused material, or on things I had to re-do.

I know that it may sound simple enough to build a storage building. I mean, it is just a few walls and a roof right? Well, while it may be a simple build, there are things that you need to consider. The first thing to think about that is what pitch are you going to build your roof? Are you going to space your wall studs sixteen inches on center, or two foot on center, and does it really matter? What kind of flooring and foundation are you planning on using? Do you even need a foundation?

These are just a few of the questions that you need to think about and answer before you start the build. Without any storage building plans will you be able to create a materials list and get everything you need in one trip to the hardware store? Whether you buy your plans or draw them yourself, having a solid storage building plan set will save you both time and money in the construction process.

So, what should you consider when choosing your Storage Plans? The first step of the process is to determine what all your building is going to be used for. If it is only going to be storage for your yard tools, then a really simple building should do just fine. If you plan on storing large items like a lawn mower, or have an outside home office, or just a place to play cards with your friends, then you are going to have a few more considerations. You need to look at your needs and see what features will best fill those needs.

Then, the next step after getting your plans, you need to generate a materials list. Some online Storage Building Plans offer a material list already completed for you. After getting your list together, take it to a few different suppliers or hardware stores and get some quotes. Just as a tip, most places will compete with other prices to gain your business. Let them know that you are shopping around. Some will also ship your materials for free, so take that into consideration when choosing the place to buy from.
