Teeth Whitening - Knowing The Process

出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月27日 (月) 18:55; WacianRander5665 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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It costs nothing to give or be given a smile but it is a lovely expression of affection or appreciation. It is sad when one is careful to never show theirs because they do not want their discolored teeth to show. The good news that there is a solution and it is professional lightening. With an understanding of open in a new browser window what is professional teeth whitening, one can get to know how the shade of the teeth can be lightened and their smile brightened.

It is a procedure whereby the existing shade is lightened to a brighter one. A complete color change is not possible but discoloration can be lightened. Everything that is eaten or drank touches the teeth and discoloration is inevitable with time. Habits dental implants atlanta like smoking also stain them terribly. Stains sometimes appear underneath the surface following use of particular kinds of antibiotics or because there are some cracks on the teeth visit atlanta dental implants that stains appear.

The most common way whitening is done is with professional bleaching. The active ingredient is the product is carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. It is applied using trays that are made to fit the mouth like gum shields. As the active ingredient is broken down, oxygen permeates the enamel and the teeth take on a lighter shade. The process takes three to four weeks.

Another option is the use of laser light which is also known as power whitening. A bleaching agent is painted on after which a light or laser beam is passed over to activate the chemical. The light quickens the reaction of the bleaching agent so the process is completed that much faster. Also, teeth can be lightened by up to five or six shades. The process is done in about an hour.

No major side effects are associated with lightening. However, there are those who find that they are sensitive to cold during or after treatment. This is because the enamel is slightly weakened by the reaction with the bleach. Tender gums, white patches on the gum line and sore throat are also reported sometimes. These reactions are for the most part mild and short lived.

Cost varies from one dental clinic to another. However, laser whitening costs more than professional bleaching. Get quotes from a number of different clinics online and compare them.

With knowledge of what is professional tooth whitening is, one can choose the way they want to get their teeth lightened. The new shade lasts for about 3 years but it will need to be done more often than that for smokers and those whose favorites include red wine and curry dishes.
