
出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月21日 (火) 03:01; MelliVogler939 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Perhaps you have thought that you can level up your character to the hilt level by simply just crafting? It sounds impossible because crafting seems just an add-on profession for most MMOs. Well it now is possible in Guild Wars 2 as ArenaNet designer Linsey Murdock stated in a recent forum post Guild Wars 2 Quick Level Up players have the opportunity to level the lot the process to 80 without killing a thing but crafting. According to Murdock it functions love this: "For leveling a discipline from 0-400 there is no doubt that you will gain 10 levels along the way. By maxing out all 8 disciplines there is no doubt that you will gain 80 levels. Meaning you could potentially dedicate a personality to crafting feed the whole thing the mats you've got on other characters and level the whole thing the way to 80 without ever needing to kill an item. As hardcore crafters we expect that would be pretty nifty.
