
出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月20日 (月) 05:59; WhisenantSabin207 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Much like the original Guild Wars you will not have to pay the subscription fee game ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2. Instead you choose the overall game and play at no cost. For alternative revenue ArenaNet will implement a microtransaction system something explained by studio president Mike O'Brien. How to Get Gold in Guild Wars 2 "We expect players should have the occasion to shell out money on gifts that provide visual distinction as well as offer more different options to reveal themselves" said O'Brien. "If they also be in a position to spend money on account services and on time-saving convenience items. But it's never OK for players to invest in a game and not have the ability to enjoy the things they paid on without additional purchases then it's never OK for players who spend money to get an unfair advantage over players who experience." Guild Wars 2: Playing the Guardian Guild Wars 2's economy will be built all around the currencies of gold gems and karma. Any in-game items can be purchased with gold that may be earned through regular play. Karma can also be earned in-game and used to get hold of special bonuses though karma cannot be traded. Gems are strictly utilized for microtransactions. To take care of the rise of outsider gold farming services ArenaNet permit players to trade gold and gems. This means if you use notes to purchase gems the next step is to sell the gems to other players for in-game gold. Alternatively if you wouldn't want to spend real dollars it can save you up enough gold to buy gems from different players through Guild Wars 2's Trading Post.
