
出典: くみこみックス

2012年8月9日 (木) 21:03; Grubbs (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Bids that give pay out method

In this Bids That Give Review, I'll explain exactly why this new penny public sale site is poised to create a huge difference around the planet, all while rendering it's competitors within the field, who don't support charities, utterly obsolete. Bids That Give Penny Auction site follows a very similar auction model towards the well known penny auction site, "Quibids", but with some major business design improvements, the largest of which being the Private Revenue Sharing (PRC). This aspect of Bids That Give is being compared to another public sale site some of you might have heard of called Zeek Rewards, however there have been several MAJOR improvements within the Zeek model as well, including higher payouts, bigger revenue sharing pools and bonuses, and personal contribution limits to preserve the company's integrity and longevity.. (SEE MORE) . and that's not really the best part!! Bids That Give will also be donating some of every single bid to charities that help children in need. The company even allows charity nominations for non-profits in your community! It just doesn't get much better than that!

It's pretty simple to see in this Bids That Give Review, that Bids That Give, with their progressive, charitable business model is going to completely replace the penny auction sites of old, like Quibids and Zeekler, simply because those other auction sites just won't have the ability to compete with Bids That Give having not just the absolute highest revenue sharing plan of penny auctions sites the planet, but also the fact that both customers and affiliates alike will be automatically helping underprivileged children in need every time they bid or sell bids to develop their business. Truly remarkable. At Bids That Give, the slogan is, "Every Bid Helps the Kid" and that's something truly revolutionary in the penny auction world, and is certainly going to rival companies like Quibids and Zeekler who might be left scratching their heads, wondering why they never thought of giving back to those less fortunate, all the while watching their customer and affiliate marketer base dwindle and make the pilgrimage over to Bids That Give, where their hard earned dollar will go even further towards helping those children who actually need it the most. The owner founded the organization with the specific motivation being the biggest penny auction site on the planet and help as numerous kids in awful circumstances around the world, as possible, in fact, you can even satisfy the kids your are helping feed/clothe/educate together with your bids! The epidemic and the kids in need around the world are absolutely real, and that's exactly why Bids That Give is attempting to make as large a worldwide impact as possible with their Revenue Sharing model and extensive charitable donations.

bids that give
