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2012年7月31日 (火) 04:55; OshiroCrider772 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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In today's evolving world, businesses and citizens are beginning to create more and more websites, as it becomes a norm. A website is a key feature of promoting your website, it helps raise awareness of your products and/or services. For the home user a website may be useful to show fan support, or even just blogging about your personal life and experiences. However, there is one question that many people and businesses worry about, and that is, I am with the right web host? In this article I will talk you through the key points of a good web host, and the bad points of web hosts or, "get rich quick" web hosts.

While it is possible to hose your website at home, is it really worth the bother, or having a slow internet connection? No, I thought so. What are the good points of a web host? I hear you ask, and one I definitely like is 24/7 support. 24/7 support is a really good feature to have, because no matter what time of the day, you can get live chat help. Automatic script installation software is an excellent addition, why? It is because it saves you the hassle of downloading scripts and uploading them through FTP (File Transfer Protocol), or a Web Based file manager like cPanel.

On the subject on cPanel, I have to say that it is a really good advantage. CPanel is the leading and most widely known Control Panel for web hosts. It includes features like, built in SQL database control (PHPmyAdmin), Email Box Setup, Automatic FTP setup, a Powerful File Manager and loads more. There are more control panels, like ISPConfig, but nothing beats cPanel. The equivalent of cPanel on a Windows hosting service is, Enkompass, this is simply a Windows version of cPanel with all the power and flexibility.

What about all these Unlimited Hosting Plans? There is no such thing as unlimited space, the hosting company is betting on you, that you won't use up tonnes of their space. Most web hosts also cap your account at a certain space usage on unlimited plans, this is normally at about 100GB, or if this company is massive about 1000GB. I wouldn't go for a plan just because most things are unlimited, the rest of their service could be pretty bad, while a web host with limited space, could have really good features.

I have listed a lot of good points to focus on when you try to find web hosts, but now it's time for downsides of some hosts. I recommend you check your website at all hours of the day for the first couple of weeks, why? Sometimes, web hosts have bad up times, if your site is down a lot this is bad, for the obvious reason that visitors can't see your site. Another bad point about low up time is that, it can drag visitors away because, they wouldn't revisit a site that is down a lot. Watch out for charges on extra features like, FTP, SQL databases, etc, if they are charging you for standard features like that, chances are they will cheat you out of your money.

One of the most important points is to make sure they offer more than one package or plan. Hosts with only one package normally won't allow for your company/business/personal website to grow big. You need to be able to upgrade your plan in the future, for growth, your site will not stay the same size forever!

Visit us for more information, tips and suggestions on how to the right find web hosts for you.
