
出典: くみこみックス

2012年7月18日 (水) 15:54; NolandStaley105 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Link Wheel - Within the never ending pursuit of better search engine ranking positions, enterprising webmasters developed the idea of a hyperlink wheel to enhance their position in the search engine results. Whilst it is difficult to prove precisely how effective these link wheels are, it's widely recognised that they are a strong tool for increasing the ranking of a website.

A hyperlink wheel in the basic essence is simply a assortment of articles which are linked in a wheel formation, with every article linking to another article, and all articles linking to the main site. For example, you may wish to write six articles, and put each article on the different web 2.0 property. Article 1 will link to article 2, 2 will link to 3, 3 will Connect to 4, 4 will connect to 5, 5 will link to 6, and 6 will connect to 1. This final link closes the wheel. All articles will even connect to the main site.

Link Wheel - The idea behind this is that by linking all of the articles together, each article may have more authority in the eyes of the internet search engine than when they were left unlinked. This in turn implies that their links for your homepage be valuable, and provide your website a boost on the internet rankings. The more articles you link together, the bigger the boost. Some people have gone even more, and created additional link wheels around each article, to provide the hyperlinks much more power. Actually, there is no limit to what you can do, there are many different link wheels available, all with their own benefits.

Link Wheel - They are lots of effort to create, since so many unique content is needed. But once complete, they can pay great dividends. The more creative you are with the way you structure your link wheels, the more benefits you will receive.
