
出典: くみこみックス

2012年6月27日 (水) 18:32; TybieMullens755 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Used Honda cars are considered to be among the most dependable used cars that can be bought. Even with such a good reputation, though, how can you know the used Honda you're considering is actually a good buy? You can't always know. But with Certified Used Hondas, you can be sure.

These 'certified' automobiles can be found only at qualified Honda dealers in good standing. Strict guidelines must be adhered to for a used car to be known as certified.

At the very minimum, to be even considered for certification, a Honda must be less than six years old. Or it must have less than 80,000 miles on it. Seven-year-old cars with 50,000 miles are ineligible. Just as five-year-old cars that have 90,000 miles are ineligible.

For more information please visit:Honda dealers and Honda dealership
