
出典: くみこみックス

2012年6月17日 (日) 14:12; LeikerMarshall456 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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The other folks are saying about Toro Mata:

   If Black latino - there was clearly a national anthem of Afro-Peruvian music, it might be Toro Mata. Dan Rosenberg in AfroPop Worldwide.
   Rescued by Caitro Soto yet others, popular Afro-Peruvian singer Susana Baca has recorded a modern version with this traditional song.

About Afro-Peruvian music:

   Afro-peruvian - a rich tradition...[which] contains a insightful rhythms... Rebecca Mauleon for National Geographic Music.
   As we've been touring all over the world we could see more and more people thinking about researching Afro-Peruvian music...  Novalima in Sounds and Cultures Magazine.
   Afro-Peruvians have much that resembles African-Americans, and also the community dates when of slavery in Peru.
   Afro-peruvian - There are almost Two million Afro-Peruvians in Peru, yet in the United States generally people know nothing about them.
   This music comes from our CD, Afro-Peruvian Rhythms:  de Rompe y Raja with Lalo Izquierdo.