The Art Of Travel And The Art Of Writing

出典: くみこみックス

2012年6月5日 (火) 02:20; DenisaPringle16997 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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When we anticipate, we study travel brochures and generate in our imagination all sorts of exotic adventures, lying ahead of us. As soon as really there, we photograph the Eiffel Tower with our close friends or family members, their arms slung more than a single anothers shoulders and grinning into the camera. That types the recollection, t...

In Alain de Bottons engaging book, The Art of Travel, he distinguishes between the anticipation and recollection of travel versus the reality of actually traveling.

When we anticipate, we study travel brochures and create in our imagination all sorts of exotic adventures, lying ahead of us. The moment truly there, we photograph the Eiffel Tower with our pals or loved ones, their arms slung over 1 anothers shoulders and grinning into the camera. That types the recollection, the moments we pick to keep in mind.

Magically gone from memory are the delayed flight, the lousy food and the hotel space overlooking the alley, exactly where the garbage collectors banged tins at 5am. But, if we otherwise get pleasure from ourselves, we choose those excellent moments and photograph them to construct a different reality from the genuine reality.

De Bottons next concept is fascinating. He says thats specifically what the artist does. No matter whether writing a novel, painting a image or scoring a symphony, the artist imagines the outline of the function [anticipates the delights of the trip] then selects that which is felt to have artistic value [forgets the garbage guys and includes friends at the Eiffel Tower]. Just as the traveler now has a fine and satisfying memory of the trip, the artist has a fantastic novel, painting or musical score. The artist has developed art via imagination, choice, rejection and combination of artistic components resulting in one thing new. The happy traveler has created a great trip.

Then he tells of a man who had a quite peculiar knowledge. After feasting his eyes upon thumbnail paintings by Jan Steen and Rembrandt, this traveler anticipated beauty, joviality and simplicity in Holland. Several paintings of laughing, carousing cavaliers had fixed this image in his thoughts, along with quaint houses dentist in tampa and canals. But on a trip to Amsterdam and Haarlem, he was strangely disappointed.

No, according to De Botton, the paintings had not lied. Surely, there had been a number of jovial people and fairly maids pouring milk, but the pictures of them had been diluted in this travelers thoughts, by all the other ordinary, boring issues he saw. Such commonplace items simply did not fit his mental picture. Thus, reality did not evaluate to an afternoon of viewing the works of Rembrandt in a gallery. And why not? Simply because Rembrandt and Steen had, by deciding on and combining elements, captured the essence of the beauty of Holland, thereby intensifying it.

This is precisely what a writer or any artist tries to do and as a traveler, you may possibly do considerably the identical thing

When writing about a day in your protagonists life, you dont start off with what he had for breakfast or that his automobile wouldnt commence unless its germane to the plot or his character. You compress. You choose and embellish. You toss out. All the details of your story need to combine to intensify real life in order to develop something interesting and of artistic merit. When I began writing the very first novel in the Osgoode Trilogy, Conduct in Question, I had to learn it wasnt required to create the complete city with lengthy descriptions of setting and character, before Harry Jenkins [the protagonist lawyer] could do anything. But numerous nineteenth century novelists did write numerous pages with glowing descriptions of the Scottish moors or a county hamlet. And that was needed since, with the difficulty of travel, a reader may possibly properly need to have tampa dentist aid in picturing the setting. But nowadays, with the ease of travel, the surfeit of film, net and television images, no reader needs a lot more than the briefest description. Just write walking down Fifth Avenue and the reader quickly gets the picture.

In a novel, generally only the most meaningful, coherent thoughts are included, unless you are James Joyce, the brilliant stream of consciousness writer. And so, you as the writer can order your protagonists thoughts so as to make full and utter sense apparently the first time. In the Osgoode Trilogy, the protagonist, Harry Jenkins, does lots of thinking and analyzing [the novels are mysteries, right after all]. But his coherence of thought is only created immediately after much editing and revising. Not considerably like genuine life, you say?

Identical for dialogue. Intriguing characters in books speak better and much much more on point than folks genuinely do, partly due to the fact the writer is able to take back words. In real life, we often wish in retrospect, if only I had mentioned this or that to set him straight. No problem for the writer. Hit the delete button and let him say something truly sharp and incisive.

And so, immediately after comparing what the traveler and the writer do, what can we conclude? I quote De Botton in the Art of Travel.

The anticipatory and artistic imaginations omit and compress, they cut away the periods of boredom and direct our focus to vital moments and, with no either lying or embellishing, thus lend to life vividness and a coherence that it could lack in the distracting woolliness of the present.

And so therein lies the distinction among Art and Life! And so, the similarity between the traveler and writer.
