
出典: くみこみックス

2012年5月17日 (木) 06:09; LazenbyAmburgey949 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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facility management is surely an interdisciplinary field primarily dedicated to the upkeep and care of commercial or perhaps institutional properties, such as clinics, centers, accommodations, vacation rentals, educational facilities, office processes, sports domains or convention stores. Duties may include the attention of air cooling, power, domestic plumbing and lighting programs; cleansing; furnishings; groundskeeping and also security. A number of or most of these tasks asset management software made it easier for by computer applications. These tasks can be considered non-core as well as support providers, since they are certainly not the primary small business (taken inside broadest sense of the word) from the owner lending broker.

It does not take role of the facility facilities management (whether this can be a individual department or tiny team) to synchronize and oversee the safe, safeguarded, as well as environmentally-sound operations repairs and maintanance of the assets within a cost-effective manner aimed towards long-term storage of the resource value, and other janitorial duties such as making sure environmental surroundings is adequately cleaned and also sanitized due to the professional tenants.
