
出典: くみこみックス

2012年5月17日 (木) 01:06; QuallsMeans95 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Effective and Inexpensive SEO Efforts

There are plenty of effective and inexpensive SEO efforts that you can take part in. This makes sense so that you keep your overhead costs as low as you can. At the same time, you want to be able to get positive results from the time and money you invest. Take the efforts in manageable chunks so that you don’t become overwhelmed by them. Decide what you want to do in house and what you plan to outsource.

Sharing links is one of the most effective and inexpensive SEO efforts out there. Ideally, you want to have plenty of links that are on other sites and that come into your own site. Try to limit the number of them though that are on your site. It isn’t effective for you to have links that can tempt customers to leave your information and look around somewhere else. You may want to consider paying for those links to be established other places. This is referred to as PPC or Pay Per Click advertising.

Add new information on a regular basis to help you improve your ranking in the search engines. You can do this by blogging several times a week, adding new materials to your website, creating new sales letters, developing landing pages, and submitting articles of information to various directories. The more you spread out your efforts the better your overall return is going to be.

The use of images is very appealing to customers, and it can be part of your overall SEO efforts. Creating videos that you place on your web pages and that you have established on YouTube can also help you to get that ranking that you are looking for. Consumers love videos that show them how to do something or how a product works so they are extremely effective.

Hiring a freelancer or two that can do the work for you may be a good idea. There are plenty of sites out there that allow you to review the samples of these writers and to find out what they know regarding your particular type of business. Many of them know how to do meta tags and how to find various keywords for your niche. They can also post articles to directories. Hiring more than one person may be a good idea if you are new to getting your SEO efforts in place.
