
出典: くみこみックス

2012年5月11日 (金) 10:32; NilsenRalph895 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Local Google Traffic - Why Online marketing?

According for you to Google, 20 percent coming from all searches are related to location. And comScore reviews that Google offered up 10. 7 thousand searches in April, 2011. That ensures that approximately 3. 14 thousand searches were relevant to location - put simply, local lookup.

These numbers have been increasing every year over the last several years. Compare those to April, 2008 whenever Local Google Traffic dished up up 6. 5 billion searches, which suggests roughly 1. 3 million local queries.

And one of many advertising mediums that is certainly being reach the most challenging by this kind of move on the web is Orange Pages internet directories. Traditionally, the Orange Pages has become the "go to" resource for neighborhood businesses, and because of this if your organization wasn't listed within the Yellow Websites, you whilst your traffic can be passing up on a great deal of potential shoppers.
