
出典: くみこみックス

2012年4月30日 (月) 16:31; O'connorPugliese992 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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Home Theater Systems Reviews - Find Your Home Theater Systems ratings and reviews, prices and deals, comparison and purchasing guide from our real customer reviews! No matter how advanced a property theater system you have, secretly hidden behind this is a jungle of wires that you don't want to see. Wireless home theater system components can help to you to clear that jungle.

The most difficult part in generating a new home theater system is the complicated cable hookups. The contacts for many systems are wrongly configured, resulting in sub-optimal sound or even damage to system components. Additionally, wiring speakers is an extremely complex job that usually requires the snaking of wires within walls and ceilings to cover up ugly speaker cables. This is the case particularly for providing connections towards the rear and center surround speakers in the system.

In wireless home theatre systems, a receiver is incorporated which transmits the sound signals to remote speaker units. These units then send the sound to become played by the speakers. There is no actual connection of the speakers to the receiver or amplifier.

Best Home Theater System - Earlier, wireless home theatre systems speakers suffered as a result of either battery life or interference. Battery life refers to the remote battery-powered units that received the sound signals from the wireless amplifier. Interference is the loss of quality of the sound signal, or its disruption in its journey from the amplifier to the speakers.

Battery life problems have been taken care of by new technologies which either extend battery or provide remote speaker units to be powered by connection to power outlets providing unlimited stable power. Problems arising from the degradation of signal quality and interference happen to be solved to an extent with advances in transmitting frequencies and strength.

Wireless Home Theater System - One wireless home theater system package that includes capability for remote rear speakers is the Philips LX3750W Home Theater in a Box Sound System. It has a single-disc DVD player that also plays CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs with MP3 file compatibility. Its receiver is capable of decoding both current audio standards, Dolby Digital and DTS. It may also decode the older Dolby ProLogic II format. The leading and front-center channel speakers are linked by speaker cables with the two left and right rear speakers. This eliminates the need for wiring the rear speakers while trying to avoid the ugly resulting wires snaking along the edge of the wall across the room.
