
出典: くみこみックス

2012年4月25日 (水) 06:41; GerlachMccray412 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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being so young I guess I really didn't know all I was getting into and kind of made a mess with things from a business standpoint, but you know Auto detailing if you end up young you do a lot of wheel spinner.

Back then there wasn't really just about any auto-detailing business to speak of except there was a corporation called Tidy Car, and later Wash-on-Wheels, which has been more similar to what I was doing. Of course , those were companies on the others portion of the country, and I was out in Colorado with virtually little or no competition to speak associated with, yes, imagine that, business was good. In the early 80's we were not getting Auto Car detailing more than $200 as the top auto detailers get these days, but things also didn't cost as much, so it was all good either way.
