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2012年4月17日 (火) 09:14; MeldrumParada165 (会話 | 投稿記録) による版
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How to Get the Best Reader Response to the PDF Reports You Produce

If you use PDF reports for your business, you should always be looking for ways to improve your response rate. Statistically speaking, PDF ebooks are usually unopened and unread by those that download them to their computer. I have no idea what that statistic is, but I tend to believe it is true. Despite this fact, there are still some things you can do for your PDFs that will encourage a positive reaction. Although these people will only be hurting themselves, those that buy and disregard the e-books they have purchased, will always exist.

Even if you have written a fairly short PDF report or ebook, separate it into sections and include a ToC (Table of Contents). This is to help increase the professionalism of how you present yourself and it tells your readers what they can expect from you. It's also good to make your ToC linkable so that people can click on it and go directly to the section they want to read the most. Not many PDFs are published to be this way which is only the fault of the creator because it is really easy to accomplish. It's always a good idea to try to help your readers as much as you can and this is something that is easy and convenient to do for them.

You know that graphics can be a great adjunct with any content, and that is why you see them on websites and blogs. When you choose graphics, and this is true for anything that you create, it needs to match the contents of the PDF itself. The possibilities are endless. You can do quite a few different things. By adding tables to your PDF, or statistics in a graphical format, this will help present your information with more clarity. Using images that tie directly into the content is what people usually do with graphics. Not only are graphics interesting to some people, but they break up the text so it is easier to read.

For the most part any legal text or disclaimers you will need to include will be dependent upon your choice of subject matter. If you have written a report about something medical, you need to be smart. There are plenty of people who are more than happy to cause problems for marketers and business owners. Having someone contact you because of legal problems with your PDF is the worst thing ever. You should take the time and find reputable legal disclaimers that you can use. The very best ones will probably require you to buy them because the free versions might not have exactly the right language.

So hopefully you don't still have doubts about whether it is worth it to make sure your PDFs are user friendly. There is also good ROI involved in making your ebooks more attractive and convenient for your audience. Best of all, there is rarely any cost involved. If you are able to make header graphics you'll be well on your way and you can find some really great free ones anyway.

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