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JuneFell429 (会話 | 投稿記録)
(新しいページ: 'Self-identity? Who are you truly? We identify with many things, but this is just a process in our minds. In fact, this identification causes us to suffer. Your favorite basket...')


Self-identity? Who are you truly? We identify with many things, but this is just a process in our minds. In fact, this identification causes us to suffer. Your favorite basketball team loses, and you suffer as though YOU lost. Your auto is damaged and it feels like YOU are hurt. Somebody attacks who they feel you are, and it is as although they could actually reach inside and poke at your accurate self. Is there a way to escape this unecessary drama and pain? read this Possibly, if you can see what you are not. Seeing this obviously can cost-free you from a lot of the suffering that comes from identification. Attempt this basic meditation. A Meditation On Self Identity Get comfy in a quiet spot. Close your eyes, relax and take several deep breaths, breathing by way of your nose. Let your breathing fall into a organic pattern. Allow tension to drain from your physique. Now begin by asking: Exactly where am I? What am I? Who am I? Let these concerns sit for a moment in your thoughts. read this Be conscious of your physique. Feel of your leg. If you lost it, would you cease to exist? Are you your leg? Go by means of the parts of your body, asking "Am I right here?" "Is this my self?" Open your eyes and look about you. Are you those items? Perhaps it you feel discomfort when your favorite chair breaks, as even though it have been you. But you're not that chair. Ask yourself which of these items you own are you. "Am I this?" Close your eyes and say your name. Do you feel a sense of identity? What if you had no name? Ask "Am I truly..." and say your name once again. What is the truthful answer? If this a single is challenging, say "I am..." and insert any other name. Notice how when you contact yourself by one more name, you really feel differently. Your name-identity is a collection of suggestions, a thing noticed differently by you and other people. As feelings arise, ask "Am I this worry?... this discomfort, wish, sadness, pleasure, anger? Your feelings are not you - they just pass via you. Your clothes, your physique, your reputation - none of it is your correct self-identity. Do this meditation for twenty minutes, then take a deep breath and get up. Notice if you really feel distinct - much less worried or much less attached to things, feelings and thoughts. Do the meditation as typically as needed, to remind you of what you are not.
