出典: くみこみックス
WhiddenOgle829 (会話 | 投稿記録)
(新しいページ: '[http://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-for-2012-Debunked-ebook/dp/B006PKJM58/ Nostradamus prophecies 2012] - What are the bible says about the end times can be a debated topic among...')
Nostradamus prophecies 2012 - What are the bible says about the end times can be a debated topic among Christians. The 2012 bible prophecy may be the name lots of people use to describe the upcoming end times, because they apply certain of the many predictions for 2012 as basis for this being the case (along with the bible obviously). In this article I will give my thoughts about the 2012 bible prophecy and the end times.
Nostradamus prophecies 2012 - There are many signs and symptoms of the finish times and also the 2012 bible prediction being true, and below are a few of which:
Atheism is becoming more popular, and when this keeps up then the church will fall. The world is uniting, and there is a high probability of a third world war. Lots of people believe the federal government is plotting a single world order. The bible code, an algorithm to find hidden messages in the bible, predicts the end of the world in 2012. The bible code has proven accurate many times, the most famous moment the prediction from the death with the israeli politician and former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. The quantity of great earthquakes has grown dramatically since the mid 90s. Inside the bible it says that the quantity of earthquakes will increase in the end times. This really is one more important 2012 bible prophecy sign. Many 2012 theories and signs like 2012 crop circles, the polar shift, Nostradamus prophecies and much more further props up 2012 bible prophecy.
Prophecies for 2012 - The falling with the church and unification on the planet are signs of the conclusion days based on the bible. The bible doesn't mention the entire year 2012, but by comparing what's described within the bible as to the is occurring today, in addition to all another 2012 prophecies, there is a great chance that something huge is going to happen.