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(新しいページ: 'Keeping Kosher Whilst Vacationing Remaining Kosher whilst on trips offers many dilemmas. If we reside in a city with a large Jewish population you're likely used to having a w...')


Keeping Kosher Whilst Vacationing

Remaining Kosher whilst on trips offers many dilemmas. If we reside in a city with a large Jewish population you're likely used to having a wide range of certified Kosher restaurants at the disposal. This selection of reliable Kosher restaurants can diminish dramatically when you travels away from home. In these cases questions can arise as to how to keep kosher whilst traveling and just how to select a reliable restaurant away from home. Many people mistakenly believe that so-called "vegetarian" or perhaps "vegan" restaurants tend to be acceptable alternatives to actual kosher establishments--a risky myth indeed.

kosher restaurants

That Salad Will Be Less Kosher Than Ham

Believe it to definitely not eating a simple salad at a non-kosher restaurant could be worse than eating a cut of ham! From a Jewish law standpoint (halacha) the prohibition against eating bugs is much more stringent than eating pork! In order for that salad to be kosher it requirements to have been thoroughly checked for bugs, a requirement that the basic washing techniques in virtually all non-kosher eating establishments does certainly not satisfy. There are certain pre-packaged salad products that tend to be certified to be bug free, however before we bite into that salad on the next cruise make sure ask to see the packaging to confirm whether or not that lettuce came from a reliable source. As soon as you have determined that the lettuce is bug free, create sure it is served on a cold clean (to disposable) place as well as that no "sharp" foods these as onions, radishes, lemon, etc. have been added because that would present other kashrut issues that can potentially create that bug-free salad treif!

kosher restaurants

Dressings also pose issues.

For instance, is the dressing parve or perhaps made with milk? Does the dressing have an acceptable kosher certification (hashgacha)? There are different considerations too, did the fruits or perhaps veggies come from Israel? Such imported products could present problems regarding tithing, simply as you illustration. Is the restaurant utilizing non-kosher wine or perhaps flavoring oils?


The popularity of coffee houses poses unique concerns for the kosher tourist. Restaurants including Starbucks offer a blend of both kosher as well as non-kosher products that are certainly not clearly labeled. Generally, unflavored coffee (normal or perhaps decaf) is acceptable. In these cases the drink should be in a disposable cup and really should not come into contact with silverware (stir the coffee with something disposable). In the United States you will add milk to their coffee (assuming they do certainly not hold Chalav Yisroel). Flavored coffees pose their own problems. Many coffee places use non-kosher flavoring syrups or perhaps powders. Before adding taste to your coffee be sure to examine the packaging to ensure it is indeed kosher. Keep in mind that simply because we examined the packaging when, you need to do thus every time we order since many restaurants will change brands without notifying customers. The bottom line when it comes to ordering coffee as an unsupervised establishment is the fact that you can buy plain coffee without as hasgacha if they tend to be careful to inspect any added ingredients, and also use disposable cups as well as utensils.

A Word of Caution

Even with the above mentioned leniencies and also information it is critically important that you consult your own own competent Orthodox Rabbi for specific instructions. Certainly not everyone holds by the same leniences or perhaps halachic rulings and therefore one need to ask questions of their rav prior to purchasing from an unsupervised establishment. The above information is intended as a rough guide and also introduction to the concerns of the kosher traveler and also should really not be taken as halachic information.

To understand more about maintaining kosher whilst on the road, please click this link.
