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RosinaGall485 (会話 | 投稿記録)
(新しいページ: 'Law of Attraction Classics: Suggestion is Power (Component 1) (Excerpted from "Secrets to the _Law of Attraction_" and "The Full Thomas Troward Collection") Continued from C...')


Law of Attraction Classics: Suggestion is Power (Component 1)

(Excerpted from "Secrets to the _Law of Attraction_" and "The Full Thomas Troward Collection")

Continued from Component I...

By as a result generating intelligent use of our subjective thoughts, we, so to speak, generate a nucleus, which is no sooner designed than it begins to exercise an attractive force, drawing to itself material of a like character with its personal, and if this process is allowed to go on undisturbed, it will continue until an external form corresponding to the nature of the nucleus comes out into manifestation on the plane of the objective and relative.

This is the universal method of Nature on each and every plane.

Some of the most advanced thinkers in modern physical science, in the endeavor to probe the wonderful mystery of the first origin of the world, have postulated the formation of what they call "vortex rings" formed from an infinitely fine primordial substance. Contractor Accountants Cornhill Private Wealth Cornhill Private Wealth going here .They tell us that if such a ring be the moment formed on the minutest scale and set rotating, then, considering that it would be moving in pure ether and topic to no friction, it should according to all identified laws of physics be indestructible and its motion perpetual.

Let two such rings strategy every other, and by the _Law of Attraction_, they would coalesce into a complete, and so on till manifested matter as we apprehend it with our external senses, is at last formed. Of course no one has ever observed these rings with the physical eye. They are 1 of those abstractions, which result if we stick to out the observed law of physics and the unavoidable sequences of mathematics to their essential consequences.

We can't account for the factors that we can see unless we assume the existence of other factors, which we can not and the "vortex theory" is 1 of these assumptions.

This theory has not been place forward by mental scientists but by purely physical scientists as the ultimate conclusion to which their researches have led them, and this conclusion is that all the innumerable forms of Nature have their origin in the infinitely minute nucleus of the vortex ring, by whatever indicates the vortex ring could have received its initial impulse, a question with which physical science, as such, is not concerned.

As the vortex theory accounts for the formation of the inorganic planet, so does biology account for the formation of the living organism. That also has its origin in a main nucleus which, as soon as it is established, operates as a center of attraction for the formation of all these physical organs of which the excellent individual is composed. get more information .The science of embryology shows that this rule holds very good without having exception throughout the entire range of the animal planet, like man and botany shows the same principle at operate throughout the vegetable planet.

All branches of physical science demonstrate the fact that every completed manifestation, of whatever sort and on whatever scale, is began by the establishment of a nucleus, infinitely modest but endowed with an unquenchable energy of attraction, causing it to steadily improve in power and definiteness of purpose, till the approach of growth is completed and the matured form stands out as an accomplished fact.

Now if this had been the universal method of Nature, there is absolutely nothing unnatural in supposing that it should start its operation at a stage additional back than the formation of the material nucleus. click for source .As soon as that is called into being it begins to operate by the _Law of Attraction_ on the material plane but what is the force which originates the material nucleus?

Let a recent operate on physical science give us the answer "In its ultimate essence, power might be incomprehensible by us except as an exhibition of the direct operation of that which we call Mind or Will." The quotation is from a course of lectures on " Waves in Water, Air and Ether," delivered in 1902, at the Royal Institution, by J. A. Fleming.

Right here, then, is the testimony of physical science that the originating power is Mind or Will and we are, consequently, not only generating a logical deduction from specific unavoidable intuitions of the human thoughts, but are also following on the lines of the most advanced physical science, when we say that the action of Thoughts plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will at some point attract to itself all the conditions required for its manifestation in outward visible form. Now the only action of Mind is Thought and it is for this cause that by our thoughts we develop corresponding external conditions, simply because we thereby produce the nucleus which attracts to itself its personal correspondences in due order till the completed work is manifested on the external plane.

This is according to the strictly scientific conception of the universal law of growth and we may possibly as a result briefly sum up the whole argument by saying that our thought of anything at all forms a spiritual prototype of it, hence constituting a nucleus or center of attraction for all circumstances essential to its eventual externalization by a law of growth inherent in the prototype itself.
