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(新しいページ: 'Organic Semiconductors Make Flexible Circuits and Screens the possibility Days are certainly not distant, if we will, eventually, come to see ultra-efficient digital circuits....')


Organic Semiconductors Make Flexible Circuits and Screens the possibility

Days are certainly not distant, if we will, eventually, come to see ultra-efficient digital circuits. As a result of "polymeric n-channel semiconductors-practically ones-were unknown....," as explained Antonio Facchetti, chief technology officer, Polyera Corp.

Such efficient digital circuits became a possibility when researchers, headed by Faccheti, reached determine a polymer which happens to be said to revolutionize the printing way of electronics circuits on plastic. This polymer is considered to remain an organic electronics.

This latest polymer conducts electrons, an element unheard so far about other kinds of such materials useful to make semiconductors. Necessarily, almost all the polymers carry positive electric charges.

Based on the researchers, they have succeeded in printing a CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor ) circuit combining this latest find and also the older semiconductors.

Thus the amalgamation of existing p-type materials, carrying positive charges, and that recently developed n-type polymer which carries electrons has opened a new road for flexible or bendable digital circuits.

Such flexible semiconductors tend to be powerful and efficient. "If you ought to enable high-performance CMOS electronics, you need both p-channel and n-channel semiconductors,") Faccheti further says.

This polymer, according to naphthalene-bis(dicarboximide), is soluble, as a result it might be became an ink which enable it to be printed digitally. However, its solubility doesn't mar its effective and high speed of electron mobility. Its electron mobility is considered to get between 0.45 and 0.85 cm2/Vs.

This sort of speed is way greater and satisfying as opposed to much below 0.5 cm2/Vs, the electron mobility rate of all the so-called existing polymers. The study hope to upgrade the interest rate about 1 cm2/Vs in future.

Undoubtedly, this invention is going to offer a very different contour around how, the makers used to make computer screens and sensor tags. Explain how it works is able to produce flexible screens and sensor tags which is to be at highly discounts.

Here are various semiconductors, you were searching for.

Our company specializes in advanced materials for replacements in OFET and related applications. Our core competence is synthesis of organic semiconductors, ionic liquids, dyes, inks and conductors - molecular materials, oligomers, polymers and metal complexes. We synthesize organic materials for light emitting diodes (OLEDs), field-effect transistors (OFETs), electricity cells (OPVCs), printed electronics, conductive inks and related devices and applications.
