出典: くみこみックス
MickyCote362 (会話 | 投稿記録)
(新しいページ: 'Yes! There's a myth going around which says humor can't be studied--you ought to be born naturally funny. It's something you either know or even you don't. Everyone else says s...')
Yes! There's a myth going around which says humor can't be studied--you ought to be born naturally funny. It's something you either know or even you don't. Everyone else says simply by watching witty things, like watching funny Youtube videos or reading funny content pieces or watching funny Tv shows will make you turn into a witty person.
While|Even though|Although} beneficial, this isn't the result right?
Consider if this applied to other skills in life. Do you learn how to draw simply by visiting a skill gallery and examining the paintings? Or figure out how to play the guitar by playing a guitar solo? This logic clearly doesn't request for these talents, and that's why that doesn't make any sense when you're thinking of figuring out how to remain funny either. Just understanding what's funny doesn't necessarily allow you to be funny.
People today who have attempted to become funny by making fiction and receive unfavorable feedback are far worse. You create a joke, nobody laughs, and then you get that sinking, humiliating feeling inside. It gives you not want to try making a joke ever again.
Sharing cheeky pictures or images that you found online doesn't allow you to be funny--it just shows you've got a sense of sense of humor. But developing your own humor and developing your very own one-of-a-kind content just from your own lifestyle or imagination involves skill. And that skill can be learned.
One thing that you can do that can help enhance your funny, charming personality is by paying attention to your environment. Seems unusual, but listen for a 2nd. Rather than spotting a tree while you're acquiring a walk, make note with the details about the sapling. What color is that? Do you notice many trees around or do you find it just by itself? Can there be anything unusual about your tree? Think about your leaves; are there a lot or slightly? What shade are that leaves?
When you start paying attention to all the details, big or small, guidelines arise. This is called the baseline, which is essentially the factual information you've got to work with. The greater your baseline, the more you are able to explore your ideas. If whatever you saw was just "tree" your entire baseline is limited, and you'll have almost nothing to build from there. The baseline acts as the basic foundation and the more you must work with, the far better.
The next step can be done is to get started in thinking about strange or interesting observations you may make about any details it is possible to note within your baseline. Can there be something funny about your tree? Would you relate the idea to something different that you saw? Does it seem such as something you recognize elsewhere? That's usually where you got to stretch your imagination--a number of us don't really think creatively enough and trying to think about interesting topics to talk about or compare things to will take time for them to cultivate. But this is that this process works--you don't become witty by saying dull things.
The final course of action is reduce: nearly every joke advantages from being shorter. The shorter better, since the longer you force people to look closely at what you've said to be able to get the joke, the more difficult it becomes to actually be funny. The best jokes are one-liners to get a simple reason: they are straight and to the point. Jokes with a back-story may well work, particularly if it's within written form, but can you feel about telling a joke which includes a back-story within a connection? It requires the audience to keep in mind so many details to appreciate the key reason why it's funny, and you risk dropping their attention whenever you give them the details they need to understand the joke.
Make it simple for your audience with simple to implement material and make it funny without making it feel like too lengthy and you'll end up expressing your natural surprising, enchanting character almost right away.
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