Ford to Exit the Minivan Industry?

出典: くみこみックス


KellerFrame9985 (会話 | 投稿記録)
(新しいページ: 'All the vehicle blogs lately have been speculating on the direction that the Ford Motor Company is going to take in the wake of declining sales and stiff competition. We know t...')

2012年5月18日 (金) 13:07の版

All the vehicle blogs lately have been speculating on the direction that the Ford Motor Company is going to take in the wake of declining sales and stiff competition. We know that Ford has church candle stands also a lot capacity and we know that the firm will be closing some key plants and laying off an as however to be determined number of employees. What hadnt been clear is which models would be cut from the line up. Now, it seems that Ford will exit the lucrative minivan market place. Thats appropriate, Ford apparently will stick with creating cars, trucks, and SUVs, and leave the minivan market to the other players.

Ever considering that the Chrysler Corporation invented the minivan market place back in the early 1980s with its line of K-car derived minivans the Dodge Caravan, Plymouth Voyager, and the Chrysler Town & Country Ford has been playing catch up. Indeed, a series of forgettable star named minivans were served up by Ford and summarily rejected by shoppers: the Aerostar, Windstar, and the surplice Freestar. Later, each Honda and Toyota brought out their personal entries and Ford, along with Chevrolet identified themselves trailing badly in an overcrowded segment. Indeed, numerous GM divisions sell minivans, as does Kia and Nissan, making the market place particularly tight.

Should Ford choose to go ahead with plans to ditch the minivan industry, it wouldnt be a complete retreat. For one particular, many shoppers choose the automakers well-liked Ford Explorer SUV even though its all wheel drive Freestyle wagon/crossover competes effectively as well. Lastly, one more automobile the Edge will soon make its debut and most likely pull several vestments minivan consumers over. The Edge will be but one more crossover vehicle somewhat of a SUV/wagon hybrid and fill the want for buyers.

Yes, Ford seems ready to ditch the minivan industry. No loss to consumers and almost certainly a wise move for the beleaguered automaker.
