
出典: くみこみックス

M (新しいページ: 'A poll was conducted in Excellent Britain. It asked respondents if they believed that the streets and roads in the country were finding congested. And according to the survey, ...')
最新版 (2012年8月29日 (水) 17:41) (ソースを表示)
M (新しいページ: 'A poll was conducted in Excellent Britain. It asked respondents if they believed that the streets and roads in the country were finding congested. And according to the survey, ...')


A poll was conducted in Excellent Britain. It asked respondents if they believed that the streets and roads in the country were finding congested. And according to the survey, a lot of Britons thought that this was correct.

The poll was created and conducted by 1 of the Britains online insurance coverage brokers and they did the survey by way of their web site. The survey also asked if these who believed that the streets were congested had any options or answers to such a problem. Practically half of the respondents answered by saying that elderly drivers really should be taken off the roads in the course of the peak hours of driving. Some 49% of the complete lot gave such a solution to the congestion issue. It did not even make a distinction if you used top quality Pontiac overall performance parts for your effectively maintained vehicle. If you are old, then you really should also be off the streets.

Of course, this has been really a surprise for everybody. Even Paul Cosh, who is the managing director of the organization which performed the research, could not assist but comment about such an outcome of their survey. He says, The impact of congestion on the UK economic climate in terms of lost time, fuel expenses and general tension runs to billions, but we continue to drive our vehicles a lot more and drive further than the rest of Europe. Nevertheless, I do not believe that choosing on this nations most cautious and seasoned drivers is actually the answer. To be truthful, the views shown by this poll are quite shocking and simply do not stand up against the facts.

Analysis of the survey performed that aside much more than half of the drivers who answered the survey mentioned that these elderly drivers must be banned since they feel that the elderly drivers are really slow when it comes to coping with the new conditions of traffic and of the roads. honda parts rate us best bull bars
