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M (新しいページ: ' Taekwondo Masters relax after they kick [ Olympic TaekwonDo] - Maybe you have watched top taekwondo players kick? I usually notice how rela...')
最新版 (2012年7月25日 (水) 16:53) (ソースを表示)
M (新しいページ: ' Taekwondo Masters relax after they kick [ Olympic TaekwonDo] - Maybe you have watched top taekwondo players kick? I usually notice how rela...')


Taekwondo Masters relax after they kick

Olympic TaekwonDo - Maybe you have watched top taekwondo players kick? I usually notice how relaxed they are. Their shoulders are down and back. Their arms are loose. In addition to their legs seem to work totally independently of the bodies. It appears to consider top Masters no effort at all to power via a thick breaking boards. And top sparring competitors look like they're walking in the park!

Can you relax in taekwondo when you start out?

Needless to say it is rather hard for beginners to not tense up. The last thing you feel like a fighting styles white belt is relaxed! Things are new. The strategies are tough and alien for you. And chances are you aren't totally strong, coordinated and flexible during this period. So obviously you feel tense!

And exactly what does tension do to your taekwondo kicks?

Olympic TaekwonDo - In case you are tense inside your taekwondo class your body produces more adrenaline. This is your fight-flight hormone. It is important if you are in physical danger. However in class it just burns your muscle energy. And you're left drained and tired. You kicks get slow and.

Tension also makes muscle tissue stiff. And stiff muscles can't work correctly. You progress more like a robot when compared to a person. Your techniques can't flow properly. Your kicks get slow and weak. And you are more prone to injuries.

But then over time your taekwondo kicking technique improves.

As you progress from the belt system... You practice your kicking technique and acquire stronger plus more balanced. Your system begins to remember what to do and taekwondo is more automatic. Your co-ordination improves. You get stronger and more flexible. Causing all of an abrupt you commence to feel a bit better.

Now's time to work on relaxing

Martial Arts Kicking - Now your technique is good... you have to start to learn to trust it. All things considered taekwondo kicks work when the strategy is right. Along with your kicks will continue to work if you allow them to flow. So find methods to be relax in Dojang. Drop shoulders when they feel tense. Breathe and shake your legs if you achieve nervous. Step back and smile if you believe like powering a start the bag.
