New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Element 21 )

出典: くみこみックス

(新しいページ: 'Now the princess had fallen so much in really like with this young man that she mentioned, "I should marry this man or I shall die" and she went after him to bring him back. Th...')
最新版 (2012年7月2日 (月) 05:58) (ソースを表示)
(新しいページ: 'Now the princess had fallen so much in really like with this young man that she mentioned, "I should marry this man or I shall die" and she went after him to bring him back. Th...')


Now the princess had fallen so much in really like with this young man that she mentioned, "I should marry this man or I shall die" and she went after him to bring him back. Then our other Sannyasin, who had brought the king there, said to him, "King, let us comply with this pair" so they walked after them, but at a excellent distance behind. The young Sannyasin who had refused to marry the princess walked out into the nation for several miles. When he came to a forest and entered into it, the princess followed him, and the other two followed them.

Now this young Sannyasin was well acquainted with that forest and knew all the intricate paths in it. He suddenly passed into a single of these and disappeared, and the princess could not learn him. Right after attempting for a lengthy time to discover him she sat down under a tree and started to weep, for she did not know the way out. Then our king and the other Sannyasin came up to her and stated, "Do not weep we will show you the way out of this forest, but it is also dark for us to discover it now. Here is a large tree let us rest beneath it, related site and in the morning we will go early and show you the road."

Now a tiny bird and his wife and their three small ones lived on that tree, in a nest. This tiny bird looked down and saw the three individuals beneath the tree and mentioned to his wife, "My dear, what shall we do? Right here are some guests in the house, and it is winter, and we have no read more here fire." So he flew away and got a continue bit of burning firewood in his beak and dropped it ahead of the guests, to which they added fuel and made a blazing fire. But the little bird was not happy. He mentioned once again to his wife, "My dear, what shall we do? There is absolutely nothing to give these individuals to eat, and they are hungry. We are householders it is our duty to feed any one particular who comes to the home. I ought to do what I can, I will give them my body."

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