
出典: くみこみックス

M (新しいページ: 'You might be aware of the fact that White Blood Cells (WBCs) provide our body with a natural safeguard and are the building blocks of our immune systems. They protect the body ...')
最新版 (2012年5月29日 (火) 10:34) (ソースを表示)
M (新しいページ: 'You might be aware of the fact that White Blood Cells (WBCs) provide our body with a natural safeguard and are the building blocks of our immune systems. They protect the body ...')


You might be aware of the fact that White Blood Cells (WBCs) provide our body with a natural safeguard and are the building blocks of our immune systems. They protect the body from infections by traveling quickly to the affected area and getting rid of bacteria. Neutrophils are a category of WBCs that are filled with minuscule granules that contain enzymes that digest microorganisms like bacteria. They are also called granulocytes. Blood of mammals has a greater percentage of these WBCs and fight body infections. The amount of WBCs in our blood that are neutrophils, therefore results in the Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) or the Absolute Granulocytes Count (AGC) absolute Neutrophil count.

The Levels of Absolute Neutrophil Count

A normal ANC is over 1500 cpm (cpm is a unit that equals cells per microliter of blood). An ANC of 500 to 1000 is considered neutropenic, which increases the probability of the individual getting infections since they have less number of infection-fighting cells. A person having ANC too below to 500 is known to have Severe Chronic Neutropenia, which means that the patient is very vulnerable to getting serious infections.

Some Precautions For People With Low ANC

If someone has a low ANC, then there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of and they need to be very careful about certain things.
