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Who Uses Dianabol For many bodybuilders their first summary of steroids was Dianabol (also called D-bol by the generic name, Methandrostenelone). It's safe to say that many iron pumpers remember their first cycle as fondly as their first girlfriends! The Ciba Corporation first manufactured d-bol in the 1960's. Being an anabolic steroid it is chemically an offshoot from the male hormone testosterone. Which means that it's both anabolic (muscle mass building) and androgenic (masculinizing) properties. Since it's first use 4 decades ago, D-bol has become probably the most popular and sought after drugs in bodybuilding. The great - Super potent! When used properly, D-bol will produce outstanding mass and strength gains. As numerous bodybuilders love saying "if you can't grow on D-bol you cannot grow!" The drug's effectiveness is routinely compared to other strong steroids like Anadrol 50. For most bodybuilders a daily dosage of 4-5 tablets (20-25mg) is much more than sufficient to create dramatic results. Some users do test out higher dosages, but this practice often results in unwanted side effects. Dianabol also combines well with other steroids such as Deca-Durabolin, into stacks. Bodybuilders have discovered that for developing maximum size, an extended acting testosterone analog such as enanthate works best. And today for the bad Not surprisingly, D-bol, being moderately androgenic will produce negative effects. To begin with the drug can be quite estrogenic in some users. Gynecomastia (swelling of the nipple region) is often a concern during use, and could occur quite early in the cycle (particularly if the individual used high dosages). Because of this many bodybuilders add an estrogen blocker such as Nolvadex, to their cycles. Another cosmetic side effect is bloating. This is a concern for competitive bodybuilders, because it may cause a notable loss of muscle definition. [http://www.dailystrength.org/people/1972207/journal drug abuse by teenagers is dangerous] Besides gynecomastia and water retention D-bol can produce such androgenic side effects as oily skin, acne and body/facial hair growth. Addititionally there is the potential of aggravating male pattern baldness in individuals genetically predisposed for this condition. And also the ugly Like all oral steroids, D-bol has been C-17 alpha alkylated (chemically modified in the 17th carbon position on its nucleus). Although this modification protects the drug from being deactivated by the liver, it is also toxic towards the organ. Long-term exposure to C-17 alpha alkylated substances can result in damage and possibly the development of certain types of cancer. A mix of short (6 to 8 week) cycles and medical monitoring can reduce this risk. The alternatives! Aside from the chance of side effects there are three other reasons to prevent using Dianabol. To begin with the drug is easily detectable in drug tests. And if you're an athlete inside a sport which has testing, D-bol is out. Second, as of 1990, most steroids-including D-bol were reclassified as illegal substances. Be it cocaine, heroin, or steroids, police force types don't mind. If they nail you it is a pay raise on their behalf and incarceration for you. Enough said. Finally a third reason to pass on D-bol is the fact that there are options. The supplement industry makes available numerous legal alternatives to steroids. Users report outstanding muscle gains with few negative effects. The prior information has been created by experts that will help you increase your knowledge base about anabolic steroids and bodybuilding supplements. Be knowledgeable. Be informed. Result in the right choice!
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